What Is ANF Therapy®️?

What is ANF Therapy®️?

ANF Therapy®️ is a holistic treatment approach based on neuro-frequency modulation. It uses ANF Devices charged with certain frequencies. These devices aim to correct imbalances within the body’s nervous system by stimulating neuroreceptors. This stimulation enhances communication between the nervous system and other body systems to promote overall health and well-being and address the root causes of various health issues.

How does ANF Therapy®️ work?

ANF Therapy®️ is an advanced frequency medicine therapy that aims to normalise weakened bodily frequencies.

ANF Devices are made of carbonised metal, which possesses unique properties that allow them to be charged with specific frequencies. This material can effectively transmit, receive, and reflect frequencies. When applied to the human body, the devices are promptly activated by both infrared and body heat. 

The frequencies emitted by the devices travel along nerve pathways, stimulate neurons, and send strengthening or correction signals to weakened frequencies. The correction signals emitted by these devices are 100% unique neurological frequencies, distinct from radio frequencies or other types of resonance frequencies. These frequencies have undergone extensive testing over many years without yielding any adverse effects.

The Correlation Between Neurological Frequencies and Different Diseases in the Human Body: 

Millions of neurons generate neurological frequencies and transmit them from one neuron to another. This unique capability allows the neurological system to perform all body functions, activate immune responses, and regulate resource distribution in the body. Scientists have measured 5 to 15 million frequencies in nerve pathways.

ANF Therapy®️ Education

All symptoms stem from weakened or damaged neurological frequencies whenever a human gets sick. For instance, in autoimmune diseases, glutathione frequency is often compromised, as these conditions deplete glutathione levels significantly, potentially leading to additional complications.

Foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses possess their own distinct frequencies. When these pathogens attack our bodies, the immune system activates inflammation in response. Inflammation disrupts and weakens neurological frequencies.

Moreover, emotional and mental stress can also impact the nervous system and neurological frequencies, potentially leading to invisible inflammation. If not addressed, invisible inflammation can spread throughout the body, disrupt neurological frequencies and increase the risk of severe health issues and autoimmune diseases. 

ANF Therapy®️ aims to correct these disruptions in the neurological system and strengthen weakened frequencies. This way, it activates natural healing mechanisms in the body,

What conditions can be treated with ANF Therapy®️?

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy (ANF Therapy®️) addresses various health conditions by supporting the body’s natural healing process.

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy®️ helps treat the following conditions:

  • Orthopaedic injuries 
  • Sports-related injuries 
  • Muscle strains 
  • Ligament sprains
  • Joint damage
  • Stress fractures
  • Mid-gut issues
  • Acute and chronic injuries
  • Bursitis
  • Nerve inflammation (Neuritis)
  • Lymph node inflammation (Lymphadenitis)
  • Tendon attachment disorders (Enthesopathy)
  • Fascia inflammation (Fasciitis)
  • Pre and post-surgical rehabilitation
  • Performance enhancement and recovery
  • Bruises (Contusions)
  • Overuse injuries
  • Trauma-induced injuries
  • Spinal issues
  • Disc degeneration
  • Herniated discs
  • Spinal injuries
  • Disc disorders (Discopathy)
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Scar tissue and adhesions
  • Muscle disorders
  • Tendon disorders (Tendinopathies)
  • Bone spurs
  • Heel spurs
  • As a complementary therapy with other treatment plans

ANF Therapy®️ is not restricted to just these conditions. ANF Therapists can develop customised protocols for a wide array of health concerns.

Is ANF Therapy®️ painful?

ANF Therapy®️ is painless frequency therapy. It is noninvasive, painless, and doesn’t involve needles or chemicals. ANF Therapy®️ is suitable for patients with trypanophobia (fear of needles). 
Palpation with ANF Therapy®️ by Physical Therapist

ANF Therapy®️ Procedure:

ANF Therapy®️ consists of the following steps:

1-History And Assessment:

  • The ANF Practitioner begins by taking a detailed history and evaluating your condition to determine the appropriate treatment plan.
  • Depending on the treatment area, you may be asked to lie down or sit comfortably.
  • Any clothing or accessories that might interfere with the treatment are removed.
  • The therapist then performs a thorough physical examination and palpation to assess the severity of your condition and identify the root cause of your health complaint.

2-Application Of ANF Devices:

  • After completing the assessment, the ANF Therapist creates a specific protocol tailored to your health issue.
  • They apply ANF Devices, which contain specific neurological frequencies, to targeted areas of your body.
  • Throughout the treatment session, the Practitioner closely monitors your response and may adjust the placement of the ANF Devices as needed.
  • The Practitioners also emphasise the importance of staying hydrated during treatment to maximise effectiveness.


  • After the session, the Practitioners provide instructions to help enhance the effects of the treatment.
  • They may recommend follow-up sessions based on your progress and condition.
  • These follow-up sessions allow the Practitioners to continue ANF Therapy®️ and monitor your improvement over time.

How long do the effects of an ANF Therapy®️ treatment last?

ANF Therapy®️ aims to provide long-term results. It does not treat different health conditions symptomatically; it targets and treats them from their root cause. Correction signals from ANF Devices activate the body’s natural healing process. This way, ANF Therapy®️ supports natural healing and promotes well-being.
ANF Therapy®️ Devices

Risks / Benefits

Are there any situations in which ANF Therapy®️ should not be used?

ANF Therapy®️ is suitable for all ages, from toddlers to older people. However, inform your ANF Therapist if you are a pregnant or lactating woman. 

What are the risks and side effects of ANF Therapy®️ treatment?

ANF Therapy®️ is widely regarded as safe and well-tolerated across all age groups, from children to older people. However, some individuals may experience temporary detoxification symptoms as a response to the therapy’s effects. These symptoms, which indicate the body’s natural healing processes, may include:

  • General discomfort
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • Headache
  • Mild flu-like symptoms, such as a runny nose
  • Hives or itching
  • Shivers
  • Nausea or vomiting

These detox symptoms can vary from person to person, depending on their specific condition and the severity of their health issues.

ANF Therapy®️ Protocols

How To Get Started with ANF Therapy®️?

If you have any health problem and you are looking for a painless, noninvasive, and drug-free treatment that provides long-lasting results, ANF Therapy®️ can be the best treatment option for you. You can consult a nearby ANF Therapist or find an ANF Therapist at www.findanf.com

If you are a healthcare professional and want to upskill your clinical practice with the help of frequency medicine, check out the ANF Clinical Education Program and learn more about ANF Academy at www.anfacademy.com

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