What happens if you have a UTI for too long?

UTI treatment

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common infections people experience worldwide. They usually subside independently or with proper treatment, but what if they don’t? Have you ever wondered what happens if you have a UTI for too long?

Unfortunately, ignoring a UTI or leaving it untreated is more serious than many realise. ANF Therapy®️ is the newest treatment for urinary tract infections, even if they have UTI for too long. It targets the root cause by supporting the body’s natural healing with frequencies. It aims to promote faster recovery without medications or invasive procedures. Safe for all ages, you can try ANF Therapy®️ for UTI treatment. It helps prevent recurrent infections and boost overall wellness.

Long-term effects if you have a UTI for too long

When your UTI persists, you’re likely not getting the proper treatment. As time goes on, this infection can get worse, leading to complications and even life-threatening conditions.

If you have a UTI for too long without proper treatment, the bacteria can spread from the bladder to other areas, like the kidneys. This increases health risks as the infection worsens. Here’s what can happen if a UTI goes untreated:


One of the most serious risks of not treating a UTI on time is that it can cause a kidney infection called pyelonephritis.

Kidneys filter waste from your blood and control fluid balance in the body. If left untreated, bacteria travel from the bladder to the kidneys. This, in turn, causes inflammation and infection.

Symptoms of kidney infection may include:

  • High fever or chills
  • Flank (side) pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue

If the infection worsens without treatment, the risk of complications increases, including kidney damage or even life-threatening conditions.


Another serious effect of prolonged UTI is sepsis. This occurs when the infection spreads into the bloodstream. Sepsis triggers an inflammatory response that can cause organ failure, septic shock, and even death.

Some common symptoms of sepsis are:

  • Very high or low body temperature
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Confusion
  • Fatigue
  • Shaking/chills

This condition requires urgent medical treatment to prevent severe consequences.

UTI treatment kidney damage

3-Kidney damage

If a UTI is not treated properly or if it occurs frequently, it can lead to permanent kidney damage—repeated infections over time cause scarring in the kidneys, reducing their ability to function effectively.

When the kidneys become damaged, they can no longer efficiently filter waste from the blood. This can lead to the toxin buildup in the body. In severe cases, this can cause kidney failure. At this stage, dialysis or kidney transplants are necessary to manage the condition.

4-Urethral narrowing

In addition to the bladder and kidneys, UTI can also cause damage to the urethra. In some cases, untreated or prolonged UTIs can lead to urethral stricture. In this condition, scar tissue forms in the urethra. This leads to narrowing the passage through which urine flows. This narrowing can make urination difficult and painful. Urethral stricture is more common in men.

Symptoms of stricture include:

  • Pain during urination
  • Spraying or dribbling urine
  • Weak or decreased urine stream
  • Difficulty fully emptying the bladder

5-Complications with pregnancy

For pregnant women, the risks of an untreated UTI are even more significant. If you have a UTI during pregnancy, the bacteria can enter the developing fetus. As a result, the infection spreads and causes complications for both the mother and the baby.

So, what happens if you have a UTI for too long during pregnancy? Here are some complications that can occur:

  • Preterm labour: The infection can trigger early contractions, leading to premature birth.
  • Low birth weight: UTIs increase the risk of having a baby with low birth weight, raising the chance of health problems.
  • Preeclampsia: Untreated UTIs can cause high blood pressure and organ damage. This leads to dangerous complications for both mother and baby.

If you suspect you have a UTI, don’t wait to see if it resolves. Contact your ANF Therapist as soon as possible to get the appropriate therapy.

ANF Therapy UTI treatment

Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections with ANF Therapy®️

ANF Therapy®️ is the newest treatment for urinary tract infections. It utilises small wearable ANF Devices with 3M antibacterial adhesive tape applied on the affected parts of your body. These devices use specific frequencies to activate the natural healing process in your body. Before starting the treatment protocol, your ANF therapist will take a history and perform a physical examination to confirm the diagnosis. This includes:


During the history, they will ask about your symptoms, lifestyle, previous treatment, history of any other medical illness, and overall health.

Physical examination:

During physical examination, they will inspect your lower abdomen for abnormalities and then palpate for warmth and tenderness, especially in your lower abdomen, lower back, groin, and lymphatic system.

Application of ANF Devices:

After taking a history and performing a physical examination, your ANF Therapist will develop a treatment protocol based on your symptoms and the severity of the disease. 

These devices activate your immune system to support your natural defence system against infections. The anti-inflammatory devices are applied to the affected areas, such as the suprapubic, lumbar, and lymph nodes. These devices reduce inflammation and alleviate your symptoms. Your ANF Therapist will also apply devices on your kidney and bladder to enhance their function and promote detoxification. 

Hydration is also important in managing UTI symptoms because it helps flush out harmful bacteria. Crank barry juice is also important because it prevents bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract. 

Expected outcome:

Most patients feel quick relief within 10-60 minutes after applying ANF Devices. ANF Therapy®️ aims to relieve 50 percent of pain after the first session. The treatment outcome varies from person to person, depending on the underlying cause and severity of the disease.


After 72 hours, you will need to change ANF Devices. Your therapist will create a personalised treatment plan for you and educate you about these changes. They will also guide you about the total number of sessions required to treat your urinary tract infection completely. 

Start your journey with ANF Therapy®️

ANF Therapy®️ is the newest therapy for managing urinary tract infections. If you have a urinary tract infection, consult an ANF Practitioner or find an ANF Therapist at https://www.anftherapy.com/find-clinic/ to start your treatment with ANF Therapy®️ today!If you’re a healthcare practitioner and want to enhance your clinical skills with frequency medicine, learn more about the ANF Therapy®️ and ANF Clinical education program by visiting www.anfacademy.com.


Can shaving your pubic area cause a UTI?

Shaving your pubic area does not cause UTI. Still, it can increase the risk of infections if hygienic measures are not fulfilled by causing irritation or tiny cuts, allowing bacteria to enter the urethra. While extreme pubic hair removal doesn’t entirely prevent or cause UTIs, it can influence the vaginal microbiome, which shares microbes with the bladder. It is better to stay clean.

How long can you let a UTI go untreated?

A UTI should not go untreated, as delaying treatment can lead to more serious complications, such as a kidney infection. Symptoms can worsen within a few days, and untreated UTIs can cause serious complications like pyelonephritis. Signs of this include flank pain, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, changes in urine, frequent urination, back pain, confusion, and extreme fatigue.

When is a UTI life-threatening?

A UTI becomes life-threatening when it spreads to the kidneys or bloodstream, potentially leading to sepsis, a severe and potentially fatal condition. Symptoms like high fever, chills, confusion, rapid breathing, and low blood pressure indicate a serious infection that requires immediate medical attention to prevent complications.

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