What causes migraines in females?

treatment for migraines

Did you know that about 18% of women experience migraines each year, compared to just 6% of men? This means women are three times more likely to have these painful headaches, which can interfere with daily life. The main reason for this higher prevalence in women is hormonal changes, which affect many women at different life stages. However, several other factors can also trigger migraine episodes.

ANF Therapy®️ is the newest treatment for migraines. It targets the root cause of pain by improving nervous system function with the help of frequencies. It uses specialised ANF Devices that aim to reduce inflammation and support natural healing by activating the immune system. Many patients experience rapid relief and long-term benefits without medications even after the first session.

Causes of migraine in females

A migraine is a severe headache that occurs along with nausea and sensitivity to light and noise. Here are some common causes of migraines in females:

1. Hormonal changes

Hormonal fluctuations are one of the major factors why women experience migraine more frequently. Even research shows that up to 75% of females have migraine related to their menstrual cycle. This might be due to a drop in estrogen levels, which are often known as menstrual migraines

Hormonal changes during menopause, especially in perimenopause, can also increase migraine frequency. Pregnant women may experience migraines as well. However, about 50% of women find that their migraines decrease during pregnancy.

2. Stress 

Stress is another common trigger affecting almost 80% of people who experience migraine. Both physical and emotional stress can increase muscle tension, which may lead to migraine. Moreover, high stress levels cause changes in brain chemistry that further trigger migraine attacks.

3. Anxiety & depression

Women are more likely to experience anxiety and depression. Both of these may increase the frequency and severity of migraines. People with anxiety disorders are two to ten times more likely to have migraines.

4. Lack of sleep

Insufficient sleep is another common trigger for migraines. Women often deal with sleep disturbances due to hormones, stress, and lifestyle factors. About 50% of people say sleep problems can lead to migraines. Many people with migraines also experience insomnia, creating a cycle where sleep and migraine are connected.

5. Exercise

Although regular exercise is good for health, sometimes intense exercise can trigger attacks in people with migraine. Approximately 4 out of 10 people report exercise as a trigger, especially activities like weightlifting or high-intensity workouts.

6. Certain foods 

Certain foods can trigger migraines for many people. These include aged cheeses, processed meats, and foods high in preservatives like nitrates. Other foods, such as chocolate, caffeine, and those containing monosodium glutamate (MSG), are also often linked to migraines.

migraines in females - alcohol and caffeine

7. Alcohol and caffeine

Both alcohol and caffeine can be migraine triggers. About 35% of people experience migraine due to consumption of alcohol, particularly red wine. The same goes for coffee. While some people find relief from it, excessive consumption can cause migraine.

8. Dehydration

Dehydration is an important but often overlooked trigger. Even mild dehydration can cause headaches and migraines. Research shows women who drink more water and fluids (approximately 2 litres per day) tend to experience less severe, shorter, and fewer migraine attacks.

9. Missed or delayed meals

Many people notice that they are more prone to migraines when they miss meals or have long gaps between eating.  This occurs because of a drop in blood sugar levels. This drop leads to the release of stress hormones, which may cause migraine. Plus, irregular eating patterns can contribute to increased stress and anxiety, which are also known as migraine triggers.

10. Weather changes

Alterations in weather and atmospheric pressure can also trigger migraines. Some people with migraines are sensitive to weather fluctuations, including changes in temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure. These shifts can cause changes in the levels of brain chemicals, which can lead to migraine attacks.

11. Bright light

Sensitivity to light, or photophobia, is a common symptom of migraines. In fact, bright or flickering lights can trigger attacks in over 80% of people with migraine. It’s because of overstimulation of the brain’s visual centres in response to light. This disrupts brain activity and ultimately leads to pain.

12. Certain smells & loud noises

Strong odours, such as perfumes, can also provoke migraines in females. Plus, loud noises can also lead to migraine attacks. About 50% of people with migraines report that strong smells or sounds can trigger their symptoms.

13. Hormonal medications

Hormonal treatments used for various health conditions can also influence migraine patterns. For example, some women may experience increased frequency or severity of migraines when using birth control pills or undergoing hormone replacement therapy. 

How to cure migraine permanently?

You can cure migraines permanently by treating their causes with the help of ANF Therapy®️. ANF Therapy®️ is the newest treatment for migraines, which addresses the root cause of pain rather than masking symptoms. This non-invasive therapy uses specially designed ANF Devices to improve nervous system function, reduce inflammation, and promote the body’s natural healing process. Many patients experience noticeable relief after just one session. However, more sessions may be needed to provide complete pain relief.

Treatment of migraine with ANF Therapy®️ involves the following steps:

1. History

Your ANF Therapist will start by gathering a comprehensive medical history. This will include questions about the severity and frequency of your migraines, any related symptoms like nausea or sensitivity to light, previous treatments you’ve tried, and any underlying health conditions.

2. Physical Examination

The physical examination will focus on identifying areas of muscle tension, nerve sensitivity, and trigger points that may contribute to your migraines. The therapist will also assess your inflamed nerves to gain a clearer picture of the migraine trigger points.

migraines in females

3. Application of ANF Devices

After the assessment, the therapist will apply specific ANF Devices to certain areas of your body. These devices may include anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, mental calm, melatonin, and nitric oxide devices, each designed to address the specific imbalances contributing to your migraines.

4. Expected Outcome

Dr. Mikel H-G Hoff, the founder of ANF Therapy®️, claims that most migraine patients experience a significant reduction in pain after the first session, often seeing around 50% improvement. Continued treatments further reduce symptoms and prevent recurrence.

5. Follow-Up

Regular follow-up appointments are essential for tracking your progress and making necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. Your therapist will guide you on how to replace ANF Devices every 72 hours for optimal results. The treatment duration varies, typically lasting 2 to 6 months, depending on your response to therapy.

Start your journey with ANF Therapy®️:

ANF Therapy®️ is the newest treatment for managing migraine symptoms. If you or your loved ones are suffering from migraine, consult an ANF Practitioner or find an ANF Therapist at https://www.anftherapy.com/find-clinic/ to start your treatment with ANF Therapy®️ today!

If you’re a healthcare practitioner and want to enhance your clinical skills with frequency medicine, learn more about the ANF Therapy®️ and ANF Clinical education program by visiting www.anfacademy.com.


Is migraine dangerous?

Migraines are not usually life-threatening but can severely affect the quality of life. In rare cases, they may be linked to serious conditions like stroke or cause complications such as medication-overuse headaches. ANF Therapy®️ offers a nnon-invasiveapproach to addressing the root cause of migraines and helps reduce pain and inflammation.

How to sleep with a migraine?

You can try ANF Therapy®️ for better sleep when you have migraine. This frequency therapy regulates your nervous system functions with the help of frequencies. It uses melatonin devices to help induce restful sleep by regulating melatonin levels.

What is the fastest way to recover from a migraine?

ANF Therapy®️may be the fastest way to induce sleep. Most patients experience significant improvement in migraine symptoms in a few minutes after the first session. However, individual responses may be different for different individuals depending on their body’s response.

How to quickly stop a migraine?

Try ANF Therapy®️ to quickly stop migraine. This is a frequency-based treatment that uses specialised frequency charges ANF Devices to address pain and neurological inflammation in migraine.

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